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发布时间:2011-04-10 阅读次数:9464次

袁 谷 教授

化学生物学,  化学生物质谱学,有机合成


      1992年在日本高知大学获博士学位,1992年7月- 1994年6月在北京大学化学博士后流动站进行博士后研究工作。现任北京大学化学院化学生物学系教授、博士生导师、北京大学化学院学位委员会委员、生物有机与分子工程教育部重点实验室副主任、北京市化学会理事, 中国化学会化学生物学专业委员会委员。在DNA识别和切割及生物有机质谱学领域取得了一系列研究成果,在国内外著名学术刊物上发表论文70余篇。其相似分析-质谱法鉴定昆虫性信息素的双键位置及质谱的研究,获1995年度国家教委科学技术进步三等奖(项目主持人);昆虫性信息素及类似物质谱测定的研究,获中国分析测试协会1994年度二等奖(项目参加者);1996年获中国博士后科学基金会"国氏"博士后奖励基金。

主要研究领域DNA识别分子的研究,生物有机质谱学的研究,近年主要研究成果包括:建立了溶液法合成寡聚酰胺的新方法;合成了一系列对HIV-1基因具有高亲和力的新型DNA识别分子;发展了ESI 质谱法研究小分子与DNA非共价结合的方法。


    1.有机化合物的结构鉴定(本科生)   2.表征技术-波谱学(研究生)


    1.DNA识别分子的合成及活性研究   2.化学生物质谱学

代表性发表文章Selected Publications

1. Li HH, Zhou J, Tang FL, Yuan G*, Investigation of noncovalent complexes between beta-cyclodextrin and polyamide acids containing N-methylpyrrole and N-methylimidazole by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 17 (1), 9-14, 2006.
2. Li HH, Yuan G*, Electrospray ionization mass spectral characteristics and fragmentation mechanisms of Angiotensin II and its analogues,International Journal of Mass Spectrom, 252 (1): 54-60, 2006.
3. Li HH, Yuan G*, Investigation of non-covalent complexes of HIV-1 promoter DNA and polyamides containing N-methylpyrrole by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 20 (11): 1736-1740, 2006.
4. Liu D, Yuan G*, Hu JM,  Synthesis and photo-induced DNA cleaving activities of conjugates of halophenyl derivative and polyamide containing N-methylimidazoles,Journal of Photochem Photobiology B-Biology, 82 (3): 187-193, 2006.
5. Wang J, Yuan G*, Synthesis of homoallylic alcohols from ketones in water,Synthetic Communications,36 (3): 401-405 2006.
6. Zhou J, Yuan G*, Analysis of noncovalent complexes between human telomeric DNA and polyamides containing N-methylpyrrole and N-methylimidazole by using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,Chemistry -A European Journal, 11: 1157, 2005.
7. Wang J, Miao XP, Yuan G*, Selective carbonyl propargylation mediated by SnCl2/NiCl2-KI in water Australian Journal of Chemistry, 58 (8): 611-614, 2005.
8. Wang J, Zhou J, Yuan G*, Electrospray negative ionization mass spectrometry of polyamides containing N-methylpyrrole and N-methylimidazole,Journal of Mass Spectrom. 40: 688, 2005.
9.      Liu Dan, Zhou Jiang, Yuan G*, Electrospray ionization mass spectral characteristics and fragmentation mechanisms of  novel photoinduced DNA-cleaving agents formed as conjugates of haloarenes and polyamides containing N-methylimidazole,Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 18: 2770, 2004.
10.  Zhou J, Yuan G*, Electrospray ionization mass spectrometric analysis of noncovalent  complexes between DNA and …, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 18, 1519, 2004.
11.  Yuan G*, Zhou J, Electrospray ionization mass spectral    fragmentation mechanisms of  DNA-recognizing …, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 18, 1397, 2004.
12.  Wang J, Yuan G*, et al., Novel ultrasonication-assisted carbonyl allylation mediated by SnCl2 in water, Chemistry Letters , 33 (3), 286, 2004.
13.  Zhu C.G., Yang X.L., Cao S.X., Yuan G, et al., Monitoring the synthetic reaction of a polyamide/peptide ,…, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,17, 825 (2003).
14.  Tang F.L., Yuan G*, Wang J, Synthesis and photoinduced DNA cleaving activity of hairpin polyamide-chlorobenzenesulfonyl conjugate, Photochem. Photobiol. 78, 175 (2003).
15. Yuan G*, Tang F.L., Synthesis of DNA-recognizing polyamides containing N-methylpyrrole and N-methylimidazole, Arkivoc, 32, (2003).
16.  Yuan G*, et al, Fragmentation mechanisms of polyamides containing N-methylpyrrole and N-methylimidazole by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 17, 2015( 2003).
17.  Yuan G*, Xiao J.H., et al, Synthesis of polyamides containing N-methylpyrrole and N-methylimidazole and their anticancer activity,Archives of Pharmacal Research, 25, 585(2002).
18.  Tang F.L., Wang J., Liu D., Yuan G*, et al, Electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometric characteristics and fragmentation mechanisms of distamycin analogues, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,16,1035( 2002).
19.  Yuan G*, Yan J.C., A formula for calculation of double bond position of tetradecenols based on mass spectra of dimethyl disulfide derivatives, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,16, 11 (2002).
20.  Xiao J.H., Yuan G*, et al, A convenient method for the synthesis of DNA-recognizing polyamides in solution, J. Org. Chem., 65, 5506 ( 2000).
21.  Yuan G*, He M.Y., Wang G. J., Wang Q. B., Electron impact mass spectral characteristics and fragmentation pathways of isomeric tetradecadien-1-ols, Rapid Commun.Mass Spectrom., 13, 1 (1999).
22.  Yuan G*, Xiao J.H., et al, Similarity between mass spectra of isomeric alkenols and their acetates, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 12, 1287(1998).
23.  Yuan G*, et al, Similarity between mass spectra of double-bond positional isomers of tetradecen-1-ols and their acetates, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 11, 1699 (1997).
24.  Yuan G*, Identification of the configuration of sex pheromones with a conjugated double bond by fuzzy similarity analysis of chemical shifts of olefinic carbons, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 354, 241(1996).