Purdue University(Professor)
Dr. W. Andy Tao received his Ph.D. from Purdue University in 2001, under the supervision of Prof. R. Graham Cooks. After a postdoc with Drs. Leory Hood and Ruedi Aebersold at Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, Dr. W. Andy Tao joined the Department of Biochemistry at Purdue University in 2005 and was promoted to rank of Professor in 2014. Current research in the lab of Dr. W. Andy Tao focuses on developing novel chemistry to solve important biological and medical questions, with a special emphasis on characterizing proteins involved in signaling transduction and diseases using state-of-the-art analytical tools. Dr. Tao has served leadership roles on multiple ASMS, CASMS and USHUPO committees.会议咨询、注册费缴纳以及会议稿件
向玉芳 15771786091 cmss@mail.xjtu.edu.cn,xiangyf@xjtu.edu.cn
吴艳敏,13572228336 wuyanmin@nint.ac.cn (会议稿件)
刘海灵 010-58807981, 15010928428 liuhailing@bnu.edu.cn
郭思琪 15388656406, 270255117@qq.com
郭敬华 010-58807684, 13811562941,gjh@bnu.edu.cn
张鹏飞 19591553606, pengfei_zhang1991@163.com