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发布时间:2011-04-10 阅读次数:9900次

许国旺 研究员 博士生导师

中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 国家色谱中心

    许国旺: 男,1963年出生,博士,研究员,博士生导师。1984.7浙江工业大学化工系分析化学专业,获学士学位。1987.7在大连化物所获理学硕士学位。1991.4在大连化物所获理学博士学位。1991.6起在大连化物所国家色谱研究分析中心工作,1995.10-1997.9获得马普(Max- Planck-Institut)研究基金在德国Tuebingen大学工作。1997年9月回国在大连化学物理研究所继续担任题目组长,97年10月提升为研究员。99年5月被聘为博士生导师。2004年获国家基金委杰出青年基金资助,2005年起担任代谢组学研究中心主任。现为中国色谱学会副理事长兼秘书长、中国物理学会质谱分会理事、国家烟草局科学技术委员会成员。是J. Chromatogr. B 的editor及Metabolomics、Chromatographia、J. Pharmaceut. Biomed. Anal.、J. Sep. Sci.等10多个国内外杂志编委。国际高效液相色谱会议科学委员会常委,第30届国际毛细管色谱会议和第33、37届国际高效液相色谱会议副主席。中德“复杂样品的分离分析”联合研究小组中方组长。在国内外杂志上发表论文300余篇,出版专著四部,申报国家发明专利34件(其中17项已授权)。两项成果获中国分析测试学会科学技术成果一等奖,1项获国家质量监督检验检疫总局科技兴检奖一等奖,2项获国家烟草局科技成果二等奖,一项获得湖南省科技进步一等奖。




1.         J. Chen et al. A practical approach for the identification and isomer elucidation of biomarkers detected in a metabonomic study for the discovery of individuals at risk for diabetes by integrating the chromatographic and mass spectrometric information. Anal. Chem., 80(4); 1280-1289 (2008)

2.         Y. Wang et al. Development of a comprehensive two-dimensional hydrophilic interaction chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry system and its application in separation and identification of saponins from Quillaja saponaria, J. Chromatogr. A, 1181: 51–59 (2008)

3.         Xinjie Zhao, et al, Changes of the plasma metabolome during an oral glucose tolerance test -Is there more than glucose to look at? Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 296(2):E384-93 (2009)

4.         Xiang Li et al. Application of Fuzzy c-Means Clustering in Data Analysis of Metabolomics, Anal. Chem. 81(11):4468-75 (2009)

5.         Yuan Wang et al. Metabonomics Study on the Effects of the Ginsenoside Rg3 in a β-Cyclodextrin-Based Formulation on Tumor-Bearing Rats by a Fully Automatic Hydrophilic Interaction/Reversed-Phase Column-Switching HPLC−ESI-MS Approach, Anal. Chem. 80, 4680–4688 (2008)

6.          Hu C, et al. (2008)  RPLC-Ion-Trap-FTMS Method for Lipid Profiling of Plasma: Method Validation and Application to p53 Mutant Mouse Model. J Proteome Res. 7(11),4982-4991

7.          Jun Yang, et al.(2006)High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Metabonomics: Potential Biomarkers for Acute Deterioration of Liver Function in Chronic Hepatitis B,Journal of Proteome Research,5(3),554-561

8.          Peiyuan Yin, et al. (2009) A metabonomic study of hepatitis B-induced liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma by using RP-LC and HILIC coupled with mass spectrometry, Mol. BioSyst., 2009, 5, 868 – 876

9.          Xinjie Zhao, et al. (2010) Metabonomic fingerprints of fasting plasma and spot urine reveal human pre-diabetic metabolic traits, Metabolomics, 6:362–374

10.       Jan van der Greef, et al. (2010) Systems Biology-Based Diagnostic Principles as Pillars of the Bridge between Chinese and Western Medicine. Planta Med., 76(17):2036-47.

11.       Jiangshan Wang, et al. (2008) Systems Toxicology Study of Doxorubicin on Rat Using Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry Based Metabolomics, Metabolomics, 5:407–418

12.       Rainer Lehmann, et al. (2010)Medium chain acylcarnitines dominate the metabolite pattern in humans under moderate intensity exercise and support lipid oxidation,PLOS ONE, 5(7), e11519.