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发布时间:2017-03-03 阅读次数:3961次


  We are pleased to announce that the 7th Asia Oceania Mass Spectrometry Conference will be held in Singapore from 11th-13th of December 2017. It is hosted by the Singapore Society for Mass Spectrometry (SSMS) and co-organized by staff from National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI). The conference will be held at Matrix, Biopolis. The AOMSC has been a successful and useful conference to showcase advancement in mass spectrometric developments and applications, and also serve as a forum to foster closer cooperation and collaboration between mass spectrometry practitioners in Asia and Oceania. It has been held successfully in several countries with the first being hosted by the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan (MSSJ) in Tsukuba, Japan in 2010. Subsequently, it was held in Busan (South Korea, 2011), Kyoto (Japan, 2012), Taipei (Taiwan, 2013), Beijing (China, 2014) and Brisbane (Australia, 2015). To continue the tradition and spirit of this conference series, SSMS has accepted the challenge to organize the 7th meeting in Singapore.

  We are planning a 3-day conference that will feature distinguished invited speakers in 3 plenary sessions and 18 conference sessions covering topics that include areas in proteomics, metabolomics, glycomics and lipidomics, structural mass spectrometry (MS), imaging MS, MS applications in biologics, pharmaceuticals, environment and food, advances in MS instrumentation, and informatics. Conference participants will have the opportunity to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations. In addition, corporate sponsors will be conducting daily lunch time workshops and presenting their products and solutions at exhibition booths.

  We welcome you to join and support us in this conference dedicated to Mass Spectrometry. It is an event not to be missed. Hope to see you in our beautiful cosmopolitan city!


  The three-day AOMSC 2017 will cover a comprehensive range of topics in mass spectrometry, showcasing the latest research developments and technology advances. The conference will feature 3 plenary lectures by world-renowned scientists, up to 36 keynote talks by leading scientists from across Asia-Oceania primarily, as well as opportunities for oral and poster presentations by participants.

  A total of 16 scientific sessions will be organized into 2 parallel tracks that will comprise of the following (tentative) topics:

   -Agricultural Proteomics

   -Clinical Mass Spectrometry and Biologics

   -Food Science, Nutrition and Security


   -Imaging Mass Spectrometry

   -Informatics – Big Data, Cloud, Data Mining and Sharing


   -Mass Spectrometry Technological Advances I & II

   -Mass Spectrometry: Environmental Applications

   -Metabolomics I & II

   -Post-Translational Modifications / Degenerative Protein Modifications


   -Proteomics I – Biomarkers of Diseases

   -Proteomics II – Drug Discovery and Chemical Proteomics

   -Structural and Native Mass Spectrometry

   -Systems Biology

Monday - 11 December 2017 
   Time Programme 

 Welcome Address & Announcements 
 Plenary Session I 
 Morning Tea + Poster Session 1 
 Breakout Session 1ABreakout Session 1B 

 Lunch + Poster Session 1 
 Breakout Session 2ABreakout Session 2B 
 Afternoon Tea + Poster Session 1 
 Breakout Session 3ABreakout Session 3B 
Tuesday - 12 December 2017 
   Time Programme 

 Plenary Session I 
 Morning Tea + Poster Session 2 
 Breakout Session 4ABreakout Session 4B 

 Lunch + Poster Session 2 
 Breakout Session 5ABreakout Session 5B 
 Afternoon Tea + Poster Session 2 
 Breakout Session 6ABreakout Session 6B 
 Societies Meeting 
 Conference Dinner 
Wednesday - 13December 2017 
   Time Programme 

 Breakout Session 7ABreakout Session 7B 
 Morning Tea + Poster Session 3 
 Breakout Session 8ABreakout Session 8B 

 Lunch + Poster Session 3 
 Breakout Session 9ABreakout Session 9B 
 Afternoon Tea + Poster Session 3 
 Plenary Session III 
 Closing Ceremony & Awards Presentation 

         Programme is subject to changes