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The winners of the 2012 Thomson Medal Awards

发布时间:2012-05-10 阅读次数:3875次

  This News is to announce the final voting results of the 2012 Thomson Medal Awards. Last October, we started with 21 award contenders from 15 IMSF societies; nominees were chosen for their academic achievements and services. In the first round, 28 of 37 IMSF societies cast their ballots (75% voting rate) and 10 candidates advanced. In the second round, 32 IMSF societies (87% voting rate) cast their ballots to elect 3 award winners. Thus, the winners of the 2012 Thomson Medal Awards are:

  Dr. Ruedi Aebersold (nominated by the Swiss Group for Mass Spectrometry)

  Dr. Alexander Markarov (nominated by British Mass Spectrometry Society)

  Dr. Franti ek Ture ek (nominated by the Czech Mass Spectrometric Society)

  Congratulations to these three extraordinary scientists (brief autobiographies on each are in the attached files) and the societies that nominated them. The winners will be awarded by the IMSF during the 2012 International Mass Spectrometry Conference in Kyoto, Japan (September 15-21).