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发布时间:2011-11-02 阅读次数:3639次

  一、 2011年11月4日前,请申报Thomson Medal Award,具体内容请见:

The 2012 Thomson Medal Award

Call for Nominations

  Nominations are requested from national mass spectrometry societies and  groups for the 2012 Thomson Medals. The winners will be awarded during the 2012  International Mass Spectrometry Conference in Kyoto, Japan (September 15-21  2012).

  The Thomson Medals are named after Sir J. J. Thomson, who was responsible  for the first mass spectrograph and its resulting data more than 100 years ago.  He also predicted many features of modern mass spectrometry. He discovered the  electron using mass spectrometry and won the Nobel Prize in 1906 for his  research.

  The Medals are sponsored by the International Mass Spectrometry Foundation  (IMSF), and were first awarded in 1985. The previous winners were:

  2009: C Costello, C C Fenselau and P Roepstorff

  2006: J H Bowie, M L Gross and M Karas

  2003: R B Caprioli, F Hillenkamp and V L Talrose

  2000: J B Fenn, D F Hunt and A G Marshall

  1997: M T Bowers, D E Games and J F J Todd

  1994: C Brunnée, C Djerassi and H Schwarz

  1991: K Biemann, H Matsuda and N M M Nibbering

  1985: J H Beynon, R G Cooks, K R Jennings, F W McLafferty and A O C Nier

  The rules for the nomination process are as follows:

  1. Nominations are to be made only by members of the IMSF’s Governing  Committee.

  2. Each Governing Committee representative may make up to three  nominations. Each nomination is limited to the length of one page and should  detail the principal achievements of the nominee. (Deadline 31 October 2011)

  3. Award winners should be accomplished in both of the following areas:

  (a). Outstanding achievements in mass spectrometry;

  (b). Distinguished services to international mass spectrometry  societies.

  Those involved in the nomination and voting process should note that the  words “for service to international mass spectrometry” are inscribed on the  medals.

  4. A preliminary vote, using the Hare system (5, 4, 3, 2, 1), will  determine the top 9 candidates. The voters will consist of members from the IMSF  Governing Committee. (Deadline 31 December 2011)

  5. The sponsors of the top 9 candidates will each submit additional  information on the candidates’ achievements, limited to no more than 5 pages.  (Only one sponsor is permitted per candidate; in the event that there is more  than one sponsor per candidate, the multiple sponsors will agree on a single  sponsor.) This material may include up to two letters which are for information  only, and should not be seen as a form of endorsement.

  6. A second vote by the Governing Committee, using the same voting system,  will select the top three candidates as the award winners. (Deadline 30 April  2012)

  7. Nominations should be sent to the chair of the 2012 Thomson Award  Committee through e-mail: jentaieshiea@gmail.com (Prof. Jentaie Shiea)


  二、2012年,19th IMSC 将在日本举行。CMSS作为支持方之一,将主持质谱在核领域中的应用分会场,请大家积极参和投稿。具体事宜直接访问19th  IMSC官网(http://www.imsc2012.jp)。


  Abstract Submission Start: January 10, 2012

  Abstract Submission Deadline: April 27, 2012

  Author Notification of Acceptance: End of June, 2012


  三、2012年,第60th  ASMS年会将在加拿大温哥华举行。期间,CMSS作为支持方之一,将主持质谱在核与辐射环境中的应用或质谱在中药和保健品中的应用分会场,请大家积极参与和投稿。具体事宜直接访问60th  ASMS官网(http://www.asms.org/Conferences/AnnualConference/GeneralInformation/tabid/127/Default.aspx)。

  Important Dates:

  Jan 1, 2012: Conference registration and lodging opens online

  Feb 3, 2012: Deadline for submission of abstracts

  Apr 14, 2012: Conference program online

  Apr 30, 2012: Deadline for advance registration

