Szu-Hsueh Lai has been an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Tainan, Taiwan since 2022. He obtained his PhD in Chemistry from National Taiwan University (NTU) in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2017. Following his doctoral studies, he dedicated five years to postdoctoral research, aiming to deepen and expand his scientific experience, with positions at prestigious institutions including Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan, The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission in Grenoble, France, and Utrecht University in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Dr. Lai's research primarily focuses on the development of novel instrumentation in mass spectrometry, with a particular emphasis on enhancing the characterization of macromolecules through techniques such as native MS, charge-detection MS, and nano-resonator MS. In 2022, Dr. Lai was awarded the Emerging Young Scholars grant by the National Science and Technology Council (Taiwan).会议咨询、注册费缴纳以及会议稿件
向玉芳 15771786091 cmss@mail.xjtu.edu.cn,xiangyf@xjtu.edu.cn
吴艳敏,13572228336 wuyanmin@nint.ac.cn (会议稿件)
刘海灵 010-58807981, 15010928428 liuhailing@bnu.edu.cn
郭思琪 15388656406, 270255117@qq.com
郭敬华 010-58807684, 13811562941,gjh@bnu.edu.cn
张鹏飞 19591553606, pengfei_zhang1991@163.com